Moldova is an Eastern European country and a former Soviet republic. Its varied soil consists of forests, rocky hills and vineyards. Its wine regions include Nistreana, famous for its red wines, and Codru, which has some of the largest wineries in the world. The capital Chișinău has Soviet-style architecture and the National History Museum, which offers artistic and ethnographic collections testifying to cultural ties with Romania, the neighboring country.

ASEM: Represent the Academy for Economic Studies in Moldova.

They have an incubator (IT4BA) for post graduates and Ph.D’s  with facilities (office space, communication links, supervisors etc…).

Our MoU with IT4BA (the incubator in ASEM) is a starting phase that will open collaborations in innovation. 2 ways are under investigations: Academic exchanges and business development in China under Jarpartner and KIP.

As of today we have also contacts with several entities like companies willing to spread their technologies in China and other Universities (we have discussions with Technical University of Moldova and Transnistrian Schevchenko University). Derived from our several meetings, we have concluded to have a weekly appointment with the Head of the incubator in order to monitor the implementation of the memorandum.

COMPANIES: Moldavian companies are “European oriented” and they discovered the possibilities and opportunities offered by KIP in China. I received several positive feedbacks.

Actually, one company is on his way to prepare a business plan.

A first conclusion is to organize a video conference in October/November (date to be defined) with the participation of the head of IT4BA, Jianping, Nazim, Remo and myself. Companies in Moldava will be invited to participate. The main goal will be an approach of benefits in sectors relevant for both sides.

EXTENSION: The main extension is at a diplomatic level. We have the contact with the Moldavian Ambassador In Beijing. He is very supportive. We have also open contact with the person in charge of UNDP and Innovation Agency ( This is a very sensitive issue where we work in a step by step “mode” as it is a very sensitive aspect.

Innovative IT Incubator IT4BA Moldova and Shaoxing Golden Keqiao Sci-Tech City

From left to right:

Prof. Nazin Agoulmime ; Prof. Jean-Guy FONTAINE and Dr. Sergiu Tutunaru , Head of the IT4BA incubator


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