Strangers Experience “Chinese New Year on the Poetry Road”

Fig.1 Foreign friends enjoy the night over the water at the Spring Festival. Photo by interviewee
图 1 外国友人欣赏新春水上夜色。受访者供图

China News Service, Shaoxing, February 19 (Reporter Xiang Jing) As night fell, the lights on the riverside of Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province were lit up, The painted boats loaded with tourists sail away from the wharf, sparkling with the flavor of the Chinese New Year.

中新网绍兴2月19日电(记者 项菁)夜幕降临,浙江绍兴环城河畔灯光亮起,载满游人的画舫驶离码头,波光粼粼之间洋溢着新春年味。

“I felt the Chinese New Year for the first time, and the cultural flavor was so amazing.” Appreciating poetry, seeing the beautiful scenery, and tasting rice wine. Anna Vasina from Ukraine boarded a cruise with several foreign friends and felt the “Road of Tang Poetry in Eastern Zhejiang” at night.


One year ago, Anna Vasina came to Zhejiang (Shaoxing) to start a business in the High-level Foreign Experts Innovation Centre. During this Spring Festival, she and most foreign entrepreneurs experienced a special “cultural year” in China.


Fig.2 Taiwan businessman and his family visiting Luxun Native Place. Photo taken by Han Xiaoting
图 2 台商一家“打卡”鲁迅故里景区。韩晓挺 摄

Cultural tourism is a way of Chinese New Year that many people choose. As a sacred place for poetry culture, at the end of 2019, Zhejiang proposed to build the Road of Poetry in Eastern Zhejiang, the Grand Canal Poetry Road, the Qiantang River Poetry Road, and the Oujiang Landscape Poetry Road (referred to as the “Four Poetry Roads”), aiming to build Zhejiang’s poetic ecology into Tourists “punch in.”


During this Spring Festival, foreign workers, Taiwanese businessmen, and compatriots living in different parts of China, walked out of their homes, looking for the taste of the New Year along the ancient road. By 3 p.m on February 17 (the sixth day of the first lunar month), Zhejiang’s key scenic spots have received 8,876,300 tourists during the Spring Festival, recovering to 82.33% of the same period in 2019.


“A thousand miles is more than a thousand books”. For the first time, Taiwan businessman Yizhan and his family came to Zhejiang, visited ancient Bridges and towns, and tasted a different kind of New Year among tourists and picturesque landscapes.


Yizhan focuses on the development of cultural and creative undertakings on both sides of the strait. In his view, the mainland is worth visiting for young people in Taiwan. For example, the splendid poetry culture can not only make the poetry road “web celebrity”, but also help young people in Taiwan understand the roots of China.


The Grand Canal Poetry Road relies on the world cultural heritage Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and the “Poetry Road on the Water” adds a special flavor to the Spring Festival for many people who stay in Zhejiang.


“Along the canal, ancient buildings are hung with red lanterns and the night is colorful… “One bay with clear water and thousands of houses” has a panoramic view of the Jiangnan water town. Li Qin, 26, walks on Gongchen Bridge in Hangzhou. Li Qin comes from the north. He is busy with his work and has little time to appreciate the city scenery. “I did not expect that the ‘Second Hometown’ to have a strong New Year flavor.”


In addition to the spontaneous “punch in” by foreigners, many scenic spots along the “Four Poetry Roads” in Zhejiang Province have also launched “New Year Gift Packs”, which fully demonstrates the “New Year’s Taste of Poetry Road”.


As a “pearl” of Qiantang River Poetry Road, Qiandao Lake implements a “free ticket” policy during the Spring Festival, which attracts a large number of tourists; as the essence of the Road of Tang Poetry in Eastern Zhejiang, Shaoxing dresses up various scenic spots and launches scenic spots for people from outside Shaoxing. Heart-warming measures like free travel and free bus rides…


Fig.3 People admire the painting “The Road of Tang Poetry in East Zhejiang”. Photo taken by Shi Huihong
图 3 民众欣赏《浙东唐诗之路》画作。施慧红 摄

The Road of Tang Poetry in Eastern Zhejiang runs through many places in Zhejiang, with a total length of nearly 200 kilometers. More than 1,500 Tang poems were left here by 451 poets, making it a marvel in the history of Chinese poetry. On the side of Xinchang County, Shaoxing, a 125-meter-long scroll wall painting of Chinese painting is very eye-catching. According to local staff, the painting is titled “The Road of Tang Poetry in Eastern Zhejiang”. It took 6 years of creation by the Shaoxing landscape painter and restored more than 70 cultural landscapes using various creative techniques.


Suichang County, located in the mountainous area in the southwest of Zhejiang Province, is an important section of the Oujiang Landscape Poetry Road, where Tang Xianzu, the “Oriental Shakespeare”, left rich opera essence. During the Spring Festival, Tang Xianzu Memorial Hall, a representative scenic spot, will be open all day. Chen Fanglin, an official at the museum, said that hundreds of visitors visit the small Ming-Qing style compound every day. (End)


Editor: Yu Xiao


Translator: Fancy, Jacob

翻译:徐艳超, Jacob


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