
Italian high-end talent project offers another “olive branch” to our region.

6月6日上午,柯桥区举行“潮领湾区 意联柯桥”2019第一次意大利高端人才项目对接活动,来自意大利航天局等多名意大利专家携项目,又一次相聚浙江(绍兴)外国高端人才创新集聚区全球路演中心。

In the morning of June 6, Keqiao 2019 Sino-ltalian Meeting For Cooperation On Innovative Trends was successfully held in Zhejiang (Shaoxing) High-level Foreign Experts Innovation Center, experts from Italy met again at the Global Roadshow Center with their projects.


They were mainly from Italian International Senior Research Institution, EUSA, and also biological and medical fields. Their projects were highly related to the industries in Keqiao and satisfied the future development,these projects offered “olive branch”to local companies.

Speech from government leaders


During the roadshow, the deputy district head of Keqiao, Qi Fangliang gave the welcome speech.

绍兴柯桥经济技术开发区党工委副书记李国刚作柯桥经开区经济社会发展情况介 绍。

The deputy director of standing committee of Keqiao economic development zone, Li Guogang gave the introduction of Keqiao economic and social development.

区委组织部(人才办)、区科技局、区财政局、科技城建管委、柯桥经开区等部门的 相关负责人也共同参与了本次活动。

Relevant officers from district department of organization, the district bureau of sci-tech, the district bureau of finance, the construction and management committee of sci-tech city, Keqiao economic and development zone also attended this activity.


Roadshow from Italian experts

参加本次项目路演的意大利专家从医学、航天、生物科学、工业机器人…等6 个项目,对项目的亮点及核心技术等方面进行了路演及展示,为参会企业带来 了一场高端科技项目领域的饕餮盛宴。

Experts gave the project presentations of 6 projects which introduced the key spots and technology that brought the audience the sharing of several high-end sci-tech projects.


Inspection to local enterprises


And the end of the roadshow, Italian exprets had a visit to Zhejiang (Shaoxing) High-level Foreign Experts Innovation Center and Gewu Light.

下午,意大利专家一行赴智慧展示馆、区科技园考察参观,并参观科技企业3 家;接下去参观了古色古香的安昌古镇,意大利专家们,深深被这个极具绍兴柯桥水乡风情的古镇感染,不禁留下来合照。

In the afternoon, the team of experts visited Intelligence Exhibition Hall, Sci-tech City and three tech companies.then, staffs brought experts to have a look Anchang Ancient Town to have a deeper experience of traditional life and neighbourhood, which made them take many photos and memory.

近年来,柯桥区深入贯彻落实“聚天下英才而用之”的战略思想,把人才作为支撑区域发展、 推动区域转型,赢得区域竞争主动权的战略性资源,深入实施人才强区战略,大力推进人才工 作国际化市场化融合发展。

Recent years, Keqiao District deeply applies the strategic idea of “attracting global experts for more benefits”, regards experts as the strategic resource of supporting area development, promotions area transformation, and winning area competition. It implements the strategy of strong district of experts and largely promotes the internalization and marketlization of experts work.

全省首个外国高端人才集聚区——浙江(绍兴)外国高端人才创新集聚区,积极响应人才发 展战略,把凝聚外国高精尖人才,服务好外国高精尖人才的生活及创业创新作为建设的重中之 重,是海外高端人才创业兴业的首选之地。作为大力推进产业转型升级的一个重要推动力,集 聚区正在伴随着柯桥的人才建设,进行着智慧与产业的集中。

As the first high-level foreign experts innovation center in Zhejiang, Zhejiang (Shaoxing) High-level Foreign Experts Innovation Center actively responds to the strategy of talent development that emphasizes gathering foreign top experts and offering optimal service. It is the ideal choice for international experts to start business and innovation.

FROM: 浙江绍兴外国高端人才创新集聚区 公众号

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